Miss Karissa's Webpage

            What is a philosophy of classroom management?  I would like to take this opportunity to everyone what I mean by philosophy of classroom management.  For many people, when they think of classroom management, people tend to think of discipline.  Although this is part of my philosophy, it is definitely not the only aspect to it. 

            I believe schooling should be offered to everyone and everyone should have the same opportunities no matter where they are going to school.  I believe students are innately good and want to learn.  I am the teacher that will make my students strive to be all that they can be.  Students learn in different ways, so I am the teacher that will offer modifications to my teaching and will openly accept new ways of teaching if it benefits even just one of my students.  I will create a classroom environment that is welcoming, caring, and stimulating.  I will do this first by leading by example.  I will be welcoming to new ideas and suggestions from students, parents, and administration alike.  I will go the extra mile for the one student who needs it.  But trust, if you feel you are that one and only student in my class, who needs the extra help, trust you are not the only one in the class that needs help.  I will stimulate my students in classroom discussion, on homework assignments, and projects.  So long as my students truly attempt their work, they will not be penalized for trying.  

My classroom management closely relates to the views of William Glasser. He states there are several student needs in the classroom and those are belonging, power, fun, and freedom.  I will first address how a students need to belong is part of my philosophy of classroom management.  Students need to feel they belong in school because in too many cases, the students feel out of place at school.  If they student feels he or she belongs in my classroom, then he or she will be more willing to participate in class discussion.  I do not want to be a teacher who lectures and lectures and lectures while my students stare off into space because I am not engaging or interesting.  I want to intellectual discussions, debates, and conversations with my students on a daily basis.  I feel the best way to make this happen, is to make my students feel like they belong in my classroom.

            The next part of William Glasser’s views that I incorporate in my philosophy of classroom management is power.  I want my students to have a feeling of power in my classroom.  I do this by giving my students choices.  I ask them in what order do they want to do the day’s work that I already have laid out.  If they want to go over homework on the board, break into groups and review, or peer review, the order is up to them but we will get it accomplished.  My classroom is also my student’s classroom, so if I expect my students to respect my power, I must also respect the fact that they need some power as well for me to respect.

            The next view that Glasser discusses that is part of my philosophy of classroom management is fun.  I want my classroom to be a fun and safe place for my students.  Just as in the business office there are occasional parties, as will it be that way in my classroom.  I want my students to enjoy coming to my class, even if there is no party.  I want to engage, challenge, and provoke my students to do and try their best.  Also, along with fun, I have to mention discipline.  If they students want to have the occasional fun day, they must learn how and when to control their fun-ness.  I expect my students to pay attention when I am speaking, listen attentively when other students are speaking, be respectful at all times, and to have fun when the time allots it. 

            Lastly, my philosophy of classroom is to give my students freedom.  I hope to create an environment where the students love to learn and work hard while in my class.  If I feel that the students are doing the best that they can during the week, I do not give homework on Fridays.  I believe this because, students just as adults, need some free time.  And I think the weekend is the best time for them to unwind after a stressful week of school.  So long as my students worked during the, the weekend is theirs. 

            The purpose of my philosophy of classroom management is to let everyone know where I stand on education.  I do not want there to be any confusion about what I expect from my students or what my students can expect from me.   Most importantly, I want to my students to enjoy learning. 


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